Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Coffee and a bagel

I have to confess that I'm a bit of a gas station "cappuccino" aficionado. Truthfully anything beyond Foldgers is a bit of an adventure. However, with all the buzz about Foxtrot Coffee, I knew I needed to check them out. 
After a confusing search on Google, I finally messaged Foxtrot and got the rundown straight from the foxes mouth. Here's what I've learned:
They roast their beans in-house and grind them before each use.
Pourover: a straight cup of coffee hand poured in front of you
Espresso: 2 oz of concentrated dark coffee
Americano: Espresso diluted with hot water
Latte: Espresso + more milk, less foam
Cappuccino: Espresso + more foam, less milk
They also have a large selection of iced and frozen coffees that I haven't explored yet.
Armed with my new knowledge I stopped in this morning to see what all the buzz was about.  OMG this place is gorgeous! The mix of rustic brick and industrial modern accents make it difficult to hang on to your stress. I finally quit gawking long enough to order a French Vanilla Latte and a bagel. The show of adding milk and foam to your coffee builds the anticipation until you are craning your neck like a kid at the ice cream counter. The only negative that I had was when the barista pulled out the Country Crock for my bagel, I had asked for butter since they were out of cream cheese.

I sat out on their patio and was able to enjoy Downtown PB for the first time in years. The Latte was amazing, bringing a robust coffee flavor into the foam without bowling you over in bitterness. I ended up making myself late for work as I just wanted to savor my coffee and this spring morning for a few more minutes. I highly recommend checking them out and I hope we can encourage more growth into our downtown.


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